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A healthy Nervous system is not a nervous system that is always calm:

  • Repressed emotions are a main cause for chronic illnesses, we want to be able to feel and express our emotions in a healthy way.
  • We need an active nervous system to move towards our goals and dreams, chronic stress will interfere with the natural ability of your nervous system to move back to homeostasis on its own.
  • There is no one solution that fits all: the Nervous system is manifested in the body and we are all very different. Each one of us has a very personal history of what happened to us in our life and how we’ve been equipped to deal with that. The key is to find out what supports you the best.
  • Meet your unique body- we’ve been storing unprocessed emotions in our bodies in form of tensions, patterns of posture and certain protection mechanisms. Slowly release the blockages in your system while feeling safe.


Nervous System Reset
4-Week Online Program

You can expect to:

  • getting to know your own Nervous System
  • practice and learn techniques that help you to move your body and mind back to balance when you feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or at the other end of the spectrum experiencing depression and hopelessness.
  • implement your daily routine, which is a foundation of nervous system work
  • be part of a community of people that face similar struggles as you do

Location: online

When: each Tuesday in June – 7 pm CET- Start 04. 06. with the first live session, until 25.06. with the last live session (recordings will be available)

Whats included: 

  1. weekly 90 Min live online Session for practice, sharing & asking questions
  2. unlimited access to my pre-recorded Workshop: „Understanding & Regulating your Nervous system“ – for self paced studying of the theoretical part of the Nervous system
  3. unlimited access to short 5-15 Min practice videos for your daily practice

Price: 229 € (incl. Ust)

Book until Sunday 26th of May to receive a private 30 min online session with me.


Regulate your Nervous system

Everything you’re experiencing in your life right now is a direct result of what’s happening in your nervous system.

If you are regularly facing restlessness, anxiety or other forms of chronic stress, that make you feel disconnected from your body or too much in your head, it is usually a sign that your nervous system is not regulated.

Many of us are experiencing an overactive nervous system due to an increasingly stressful lifestyle. During this mode, your sympathetic nervous system is activated, which causes your heart rate and blood pressure to increase, your muscles to constrict, and your digestion to take a break. In this state, the body releases cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, and a host of hormones that may decrease white blood cells.

Living in this mode takes up an enormous amount of energy, and our bodies cannot keep up with the demands long term. Over time, the body and mind begin to shut down and we get illness and disease as a result.

The good news is, you can reshape your nervous system, with somatic tools that work to rewire your brain and body.

This 3 hour workshop is focused entirely on nervous system regulation. You will learn and practice techniques to rebalance your nervous system while managing the ups and downs of your daily life. This will help you to reenter a state of calm, mental relaxation and physical ease. The newly gained knowledge can support a long-term shift towards connecting to your inner peace.


watch the intro video for my online course for free
What to expect:

  • How does our nervous system function? What exactly is a stress response? How does it effect our various bodily functions?
  • Cultivate greater body awareness to recognize a dysregulation in your own nervous system
  • Release chronic muscular holding patterns locked deep in your body
  • Practice & learn different techniques that you can use in your daily life to find your way back to balance

When & Where:

  • In person in Berlin: 30. June 2024 (follow this link for booking:)  @Ōhia Meditation


  • Online Self-Study course in total 4 modules, with theory and practice videos:
Buy online course

Nervous system regulation is the foundation to everything in your life. It’s what allows you to support yourself on the path towards:

  • Decreasing levels of anxiety, depression, hopelessness, apathy, overwhelm, burnout and chronic stress
  • Bringing your internal systems into rest so you can find relief from chronic pain, chronic illness, disrupted sleep, digestive issues or autoimmune disorders
  • Feeling safe internally so you can experience intimacy, belonging, vulnerability, love, trust and connection to yourself and others
  • Freeing up mental capacity to drive towards your true purpose and to let in creativity and inspiration

Regulate your Nervous system
1:1 Coaching Program

We all find ourselves at different points in our nervous system, either towards anxiety and over-activation or at the other end of the spectrum towards depression and feeling blocked.

Having worked with the nervous system myself for many years, I know that to make  a longterm shift towards balance, rest & calm these 2 things are key:

  • Knowing where you are in your nervous system and using the right tools that meet your needs and support you individually on the path to homeostasis
  • Practicing your personalized techniques regularly and over a longer period of time

That’s why I offer this three-month 1:1 coaching program. We start by understanding where you are in your nervous system, tailor the tools to your individual needs, and most importantly, you get my support to actually stick with it 😉


Location: online

Booking: send an E-Mail to or Book your 30 Min Free online consultation:

Book your 30 Min Free Online Session here

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